Handouts etc.

Aarhus Philosophy Workshop (4.Dec.24) / Conversing in the Dark: Off-Off Record Speech Acts and the Cooperative Creation of Uncertainty / slides

Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Society / What is Face in Interaction? On Face as a Source of Interpersonal Conflict / slides

Good Attention Workshop at Oslo / The Social Trance: Attentional Norms and Signal Credibility in Face-to-Face Interaction / slides

Infrastructures of (Non-) Knowledge at Bochum / When are Social Interactions Real? / slides

Non-Ideal Philosophy of Language Workshop at BU (3.Oct-5.Oct.25) / Conversing in the Dark: Off-Record Speech Acts and the Cooperative Creation of Uncertainty / slides

Workshop on Genre and Conversation (5-7.June.24) / The Grice is Right: Grice’s Non-Cooperation Problem and the Structure of Conversation / slides

Department lecture at Ghent University (15.May.24) / Controlling the Subject: Coerced Speech and the Construction of Social / full paper / handout

Meaning & Reality in Social Context II (6-7.March.24) at Academia Sinica, Taipei / Controlling the Subject: Coerced Speech and the Construction of Social Face / full paper / handout

Department colloquium at Missouri (9.Feb.24) / The Structure of Open Secrets / slides

Department colloquium at Brandeis (1.Dec.23) / The Structure of Open Secrets / slides

Department colloquium at UNAM (15.Nov.23) / The Structure of Open Secrecy / slides

Department colloquium at UT Austin (29.Sept.23) / Implausible Denials, and Other Ways of Showing Off / handout

Philosophy of Language Seminar at UT Austin (27.Sept.23) / Higher-Order Deniability / handout

Philosophy of Language Association (24-25.July.23) / Higher-Order Deniability / slides

Iceland Communication Workshop (23.June.23) / Higher-Order Deniability / slides

Presentation to the Visiting Committee for MIT Linguistics and Philosophy (15.March.23) / Higher-Order Deniability / slides

APA Central (23.Feb.23) / Comments on Henry Schiller’s “Directing Thought” / handout

Philosophy Desert Workshop (29.April.22-1.May.22) /” ‘I Don’t Deal with Gossip:’ Open Secrecy as a Means of Social Control”

Northeastern Information Ethics Workshop (25 March.22-26.March.22) / ” ‘I Don’t Deal with Gossip:’ Open Secrecy as a Means of Social Control”/ handout

Workshop on Gender and Philosophy (hybrid 10.March.22) / “Where the Bigots Live” / slides

MIT Works in Progress (hybrid 9.Sept.21) / “Facework and Sexual Negotiation” with Alisabeth Ayars / handout

Oxford Moral Philosophy Seminar (virtual 31.May.21) / “The Ethics of Word Twisting” / abstract / slides / definitions

Revisiting the Common Ground (virtual 26.May.21) / “Totally Implausible Denials, Word Twisting, and the Common Ground” / draft / slides / definitions & cases